Glastonbury Buddhist Group
Glastonbury Buddhist Group
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we have a vacancy!
There's a vacancy in our community, from May 1st 2014.  Applictions welcome from suitable candidates - see image for details or phone us on 01458 830957
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Two ‘Carbon Sadhanas’
These are two ‘Carbon Sadhanas’ (meditation visualisations) I wrote a couple of years ago, around the time of the first Order Convention at Bodh Gaya in India, in fact. I hope they might help Buddhists connect a bit more imaginatively with the consequences of their actions if they choose to drive or fly. As Bhante says, “The central problem of the spiritual life - for most people at least – is to find emotional equivalents for their intellectual understanding”. So far as I know the figures are accurate.

Hope you enjoy spotting the references to more classic sadhanas and other visualisations from the Sutras - the 'flying' sadhana references the classic form of a Sadhana practice, with everything appearing from the blue sky; the 'driving' sadhana references the Amitayur Dhyana sutra of Buddhism's Pure Land school.
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Full Moon Puja, August 2013
Tuesday August 20th - you're warmly invited to the Glastonbury Buddhist group's Full Moon puja (led by Roger).  Meet at Lantern Cottage for a 7.30 procession up to Lokabandhu's field by the Tor...  Bring firewood and biscuits if you like!
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Scattering Devapriya's Ashes in Glastonbury
Two weeks ago about 20 of us, including many from the Buddhafield Village Retreat's 'Heart Team' gathered in Glastonbury for a ceremony to scatter Dharmachari Devapriya's ashes, as he had requested. He died in November and was given a royal send-off at the North London Buddhist Centre; his ashes were then divided into four with one part coming to Glastonbury where for many many years he had been a Companion of the Chalice Well and a lover of all things Avalon.

The day was absolutely freezing cold, with a biting wind, but we processed to the very top of the Tor from where his ashes were scattered to the four winds. We then descended to Lokabandhu's field, very near the foot of the Tor, where further ashes were placed around a tree taken from his balcony garden in London.

The video gives you a flavour of our ceremony - though not of the freezing temperatures!

Om Tare Tutare Ture Svaha!
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Special Movie showing Sunday April 7th
We'll be showing a very special movie on Sunday night April 7th, starting 7pm. All welcome - especially if you have an interest in India. The movie is 'Ambedkar', named of course after Dr. Ambedkar, the great Indian social reformer and convert to Buddhism. Here's what Zinemaya says - "Ambedkar is one of the finest historical films made in Independent India. This movie takes place between the years 1901 to 1956, a period of great social upheavals and revolutionary movements around the world.

"In India during this time, there were two struggles being fought simultaneously; the first, which is well known throughout the world, was India's fight for independence spearheaded by Mahatma Gandhi, against the British colonial powers. The second struggle, much less well known but no less important was an internal struggle. Seventy million Indian 'untouchables', led by Dr. Ambedkar, were fighting for their rights against upper caste Hindu society.

"This film holds its significance due to the fact that, though the ethos contained is Indian, it has its equation in the political and social disparity all over the world. The basic aim of the social revolution is to uphold the meaning of humanity in its truest sense".

Over fifty years after his death his memory lives on and his following grows ever-stronger - the photograph shows a million Indians gathering in Nagpur in 2006, the 50th anniversary of Ambedkar's conversion to Buddhism.

Ambedkar will be shown at 7pm, Sunday 7th April, at 90 Bove Town, Glastonbury. Click here for a trailer.

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Glastonbury Buddhist Community Programme 2013

Here's our new programme for Spring 2013 ... all evenings start at 7.30 so arrive from 7.15, we aim to end by 9.30.
Donations welcome.

March 2013 New Season: The Three Jewels of Buddhism.

5th March: Introducing the Buddha (Roger)

12th March: Introducing the Dharma (Lokabandhu)

19th March: Introducing the Sangha (Helen)

26th March: Full-moon Puja

April 2013 New Season: The five Ethical Precepts of Buddhism

2nd April: Non-violence/Practicing Loving kindness (Roger)

9th April: Non-stealing/ Practicing Generosity (Julian)

16th April: Avoiding sexual misconduct/ Practicing Contentment (Khemajoti)

23rd April: Full-moon Puja

30th April: Avoiding lying/ Practicing Truthfulness (Lokabandhu)

7th May: Avoiding intoxicants/ Practicing Mindfulness clear and radiant (Helen)
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A talk given by Lokabandhu in the Dharma Parlour of the 2012 Buddhafield Festival, under the overall theme of 'Doorways to Freedom'. In it he explores the fascinating Buddhist notion of 'near enemies', those seductive but misleading lookalikes to authentic spiritual qualities...
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2013 classes starting January 8th
Our 2013 classes start on January 8th, still at 7.30pm at Lantern Cottage. All welcome of course! Please note that this is a TUESDAY - our meetings will now be on Tuesdays...

Best wishes, Lokabandhu, Helen, Julian, and Roger.
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