On Sunday the 26th of May we'll be holding our annual Buddha festival - the Buddhist event of the year when we celebrate Siddhartha Gautama's enlightenment.
We'll be having offering making sessions for the festival at 2 - 4pm on this Sunday and the next, (the 12th and the 19th of May).
We are going to make the offerings we recite in the first section of the Sevenfold Puja, ie: mandarava, blue lotus, jasmine, all flowers pleasing and fragrant, garlands skillfully woven, clouds of incense, offerings of food (hard and soft), pleasing kinds of liquids to drink, lamps encrusted with jewels, golden lotus, perfume (sprinkled on paving) and handfuls of beautiful flowers. Easy as that.
So if you fancy a spot of origami, cutting and curling paper, arranging jewels, mixing perfume, stringing garlands, arranging incense and spraying all manner of things gold, do come along for either or both sessions. Tea, cake and fine conversation will be provided.