Triratna Ghent
Triratna Ghent
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Meditation in the park
Thursday september 19th fifteen of us went to meditate in a rainy and windy park not far from the buddhist centre. In a quiet and modest way we want to show by sitting in silence, together, what is possible as a human being...We hope to do this on a regular basis be it cold or rainy, warm or stormy, whatever circumstances. We want to bring the image of transformation in the streets of Ghent...
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New Order Member in Ghent
Dharmamani (in front in the middle) is our fresh and new Order Member. Left from her is Tarini, on the right Dhammaketu. In the back on the left is Upekshadaka and next to him is Arthakusalin
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Follow our Urban Retreat on Buddha TV as from Thursday 7pm. The theme is Transformation and every 5 seconds you can see a new image of what is happening in our centre. We will meditate from morning to evening and if you like, get a glimpse...
On Monday evening to conclude there will be the mitra ceremony of 5 women.
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Mahamati meets Sinterklaas
On 6 december our president Mahamati met with the catholic saint Sinterklaas in the context of an interreligious dialogue. Sinterklaas was accompanied with some of his servants and it was a vivid meeting with one another...
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The Sewing Team
On Sunday several people gathered to make 50 new meditation mats for our centre. It was a day of working together, laughing together, eating together, talking, building sangha! Meet the Ghent Sewing Team!
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This is one of the beautiful posters Upekshadaka made on the theme of the lakshanas. It's so good i wanted to share this.
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Young Buddhists
Our Young Buddhist group in Ghent is inspired!! And taking pills so it seems...
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Mitra Ceremony
Last sunday Gert and Lyliane became mitras. It was a lovely evening of simple and relaxed rejoicing in these two warmhearted people and as usual several folks of our sangha supplied us with homebaked cakes and pies while others decorated the shrine...More pictures you can see on
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Amoghasiddhi Mantra
After the speaking choir Mieke, also a GFR mitra from Ghent, came to sing with us a mantra she composed for Amoghasiddhi. Like in the speaking choir we practised a kind of going forth from our individual speech and began to sing as more of one voice, opening our hearts for the qualities of Amoghasiddhi.
You can listen here:
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Amoghasiddhi Speaking Choir
On thursday last two of our GFR mitras did something on Amoghasiddhi. This year Amoghasiddi is the theme of the year in our centre as Ratnasambhava was last year.
Meynard is a GFR mitra from Ghent and directing our speaking choir. There were composed some verses on Amoghasiddhi and with the people attending that night we formed a speaking choir as a practise of sangha (the interaction of one's voice with other voices and the flowing together of all sorts of voices). Here you can hear the result....
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