FutureDharma Fund’s Major Project round for funding in 2019 is now open for applications. Major projects are those seeking more than £3,000 overall, which can include large multi-year projects.
Although demand usually always outstrip our capacity to provide funding, inviting a broad range of applications each year, particularly internationally, helps to ensure that we support the most effective projects which offer the best value for the funding available.
Major projects funded in 2018 include:
- Supporting the development of Young People’s activities throughout India, through funding a ‘Youth Council’ and network for young facilitators.
- Shortfall funding for the work of the Indian Ordination teams
- Supporting a local Public Preceptor to connect and support the 8 centres and groups in Australia.
- Funding a Young Person’s Coordinator role for Australian and New Zealand to help support and develop activities for younger people to encounter the Dharma.
- Providing travel and visa bursaries for attendees from poorer countries to attend a month long Adhisthana International Leadership Course.
- Supporting an Indian Movement Coordinator to support cooperation between India’s 36 Buddhist centres.
- Supporting a team of Order Members and mitras to fly to Venezuela to run retreats supporting local GFR mitras.
- Providing bursaries for a young Indian man and a young Venezuelan woman to attend the 5 month Adhisthana Dharmalife courses.
- Resourcing a Spanish language publishing house (Publicaciones Dhammamegha) to bring together existing translations and make more Dharma books available in Spanish.
- Funding additional translations via the Translations Board into Swedish, Russian, Italian, Turkish and Hungarian.
- Contributing to the support for a Mainland European Public Preceptor
- Ongoing support for the development of activities in Walsaw, Poland
If you have a Dharma project which would benefit from FutureDharma funding, please firstly write to me at viryanaga@futuredharma.org with a short outline of your proposed project. If your project is suitable, I will then be able to support you in making an application.
The closing date for applications to this round will be Monday 9th July 2018.
If this closing date is particularly problematic, please do contact me ahead of time and I might be able to help.
FutureDharma also offers a small grants program for projects requesting less than £3,000 overall, which is open for applications throughout the year. For more info see: https://thebuddhistcentre.com/futuredharma/futuredharma-fund-small-grants-programme