Applications are invited for Triratna Growth Fund for 2017!
The purpose of the Growth Fund is to encourage the growth of the Triratna Community where growth is defined as an increase in the numbers of people coming to us to learn basic meditation and Dharma.
Applications are open to anyone - if you are a chair or lead a Triratna Group you might well have a project in mind yourself; or know of initiatives around your Centre, Group and Sangha that would benefit from a grant from the fund: please feel free to mention this to others who might be interested.
In 2017, we have a total of around £5600 available and we envisage this being given in relatively small amounts of up to £1000 each to Triratna projects around the world, excluding India (Karuna have a separate fund for new Dhamma projects in India).
The closing date for applications is 28 May 2017
Recommendations for which projects to fund will be made by the Triratna Development Team; with the final decisions made by the European Chairs Executive by the early summer. The money should be available for distribution soon after that.
The criteria for the Fund and more guidance on submitting applications can be found in the info attached, as well as a summary of the applications received in 2016 to give you an idea of the kinds of projects this fund can contribute towards.
Any questions please contact