Well, now. So here we are... 🤷🏻
From the moment Dharma Centres of all traditions around the world began to close their doors for an indefinite period, here at The Buddhist Centre Online we've been thinking and talking about how we might promote and support a sense of community among all who practise in Triratna and beyond.
For many of us, this kind of sustained physical distancing from our family, workmates, neighbours, fellow travellers in life is at best strange and at worst painful. Some of us already have relatives and friends who are infected with the coronavirus. Most of us have elderly and vulnerable loved ones whose safety is a cause for concern. So it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed as the news comes pouring constantly in, and the situation seems to change from hour to hour. In short, the always-on Internet doesn't always help...
At the same time, we're also very aware of the great good fortune of our age: that lets us connect via video chat at the drop of a hat; hear people's stories from the other side of the planet; meet in large numbers without even leaving our house. Someone once noted that the Internet abolishes distance. Whatever the truth of this, like all conditioned things, it's surely up to us what we make of it. So, as the days may become weeks may become months, this is our invitation to you:
Let's exemplify the best of community here together.
We thought we'd get the ball rolling by offering some obvious resources that can help, which we are able to support for the foreseeable future thanks to the tremendous generosity of friends across the globe who are willing to pitch in with their time, energy and, yes, love!
Over the next weeks and months we'll be providing:
- Daily open sit meditations to help you stay grounded and in connection with others.
- Daily podcasts with a diverse range of guests and voices to renew your sense of a wider community standing with you.
- And (in April and May) specially curated home retreat courses to give your practice week a shape and focus if the going gets tough!
The Idea of a Community Toolkit
We’ll be using this new community toolkit space to bring you a daily supply of the best Dharma content from around the world – new features and teaching, and highlights from our extensive archives. And we'll keep you posted on what's happening at Triratna Buddhist Centres internationally as creative programs for online practice start to emerge from the crisis.
Of course, what we'll be most excited to see is you offering your own rich resources and support to others, wherever you are. Share what keeps you going, what inspires and guides your days, your Dharma reflections on these uncertain times.
+ Follow us above to get notified of posts as they come in. (You can set this under you account settings - top right of any page – to be instant, daily or weekly.)
If you prefer to get your inspiration on social media, we'll be there too: connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
Subscribe now to get the Dharma Toolkit Newsletter and we'll keep you posted by email on new resources as they become available.
Finally, this space is private by default but anyone can join it. So whatever you share here is only visible to other members of the space. We hope that helps promote a sense of safety online and of integrity within the space itself.
Visit the Dharma Toolkit site here
Check out our Community Guidelines for spaces like this one. And feel free to ask us for help at any time.
We look forward to sharing a space in our lives with you! 🙏🏼