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Metta for Merida

Dear friends, Vajranatha, and the Triratna Sangha in Venezuela, needs our help! 

At the recent European chairs meeting Vajrnatha, the only order member in Venezuela, spoke movingly about the situation in Venezuela, and Merida, where he lives. 

In the video he says  "I really need help.... what's happening in Venezuela is a humanitarian crisis. I would like Triratna to be able to respond to this crisis."

Please watch this video and share it with your sangha friends. What can we do to help the situation? Can you do some fundraising at your centre to help the mitras go on retreat and continue their dharma practice? They also have plans to create their own right livelihood by sewing meditation cushions and mats, which could be a lifeline in the very difficult economic situation. 

However, one of the main things they need is our metta! And knowing that people across the world are keeping them in mind and sending them love and support. 

Can we each of host host a 'metta for merida' event at our centres or groups? Bristol Buddhist Centre have already done this - you can read more here on the new Metta for Merida page on the buddhistcentre online. And please do let them know that you and/or your sangha friends have included the Merida Sangha in your metta by posting on the site and letting them know.