Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014
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BAM: What are YOU doing?
Yes! BAM is June and it's nearly here. Manchester mitras Rebecca Frost and Claire Morris are the national co-ordinators, for the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK (NBO). They write:

There’s a great deal happening but we don't know much about it yet!
Please email Rebecca and Claire with your plans.

Still not sure what your Centre or group could do?
Check out the BAM page of The Buddhist Centre Online.
Use the free event planning resources on the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK (NBO) website.

BAM is organised by the NBO in partnership with Triratna. The suggested theme over the last few years has been care for the environment, but many sanghas are promoting other themes too. To feature just one sangha:

Manchester Buddhist Centre's Engaged Buddhist Kula have been busy organising various new activities and linking with existing ones.These include

  • a session on Radical Ethics (Dharma in Action)
  • A showing of the film “An Inconvenient Truth”
  • A flashmob meditation on the streets of Manchester, followed discussions with the public to raise awareness of climate change and potential action.
  • two local bioblitz events including a bat walk and mammal identification exercises over two days.
  • Manchester’s Young Buddhists, the 18/40 Group, will be joining in and adding a few events of their own, with the possibility of taking on a local urban allotment.

​Wow! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Please tell us about your events in advance.
Please also send us pictures and videos as you go along. Here's how...

Follow BAM on The Buddhist Centre Online. (Click + Follow, top left.) Once you've done that, you can also...
Post your news, pictures and video on the BAM page of The Buddhist Centre Online. (Use the Post something bar, top left.)
And you can also follow BAM on Facebook, and post your news, pictures and video there.