Triratna is a worldwide community dedicated to following the Buddha’s path together.
Practising meditation and Buddhism is much richer when it’s shared with a wider community in a spirit of friendship, encouragement, guidance and inspiration.
Founded in 1967 under the inspiration of a remarkable Englishman named Sangharakshita, Triratna has grown, five+ decades later, into a worldwide Buddhist movement that’s open to everyone.
Triratna is a modern Buddhist community bringing the ancient teachings of the Buddha to life in today’s world, drawing on the whole Buddhist tradition and offering a profound path of practice.
We believe that Buddhism’s message is universal and timeless, but its essential teachings need to be seen afresh when times change. Triratna is devoted to practising Buddhism in ways that suit our lives today, without compromising its message.
From the start, Triratna offered an alternative to a society based on consumption, status and distraction. Over the decades, we’ve developed a rich culture of committed practice, creativity and shared lives that create a flourishing, innovative Buddhist movement.
Triratna has a distinctive approach to practising Buddhism that emphasises a balanced approach, the importance of sangha or community, and opening ourselves to the full grandeur of the Buddhist vision of life. Meditation is a core element of how we practice.
There are many ways to engage with Triratna or find out what we have to offer.
🧘 In person, you can visit a Triratna Centre or group. Or you can join a retreat at one of the many Triratna retreat centres.
🧘 Online, you can meditate with us, join an event or take part in our Home Retreat programmes.
🎧 Listen to talks by Sangharakshita and Triratna teachers on Free Buddhist Audio.
📖 Get some great books on Buddhism as practiced in Triratna and other traditions from Windhorse Publications.