Lots of centres run classes/groups for young people - we've listed them below. Your local centre might not run events explicitly for young people but you'll still be very welcome there, here's the full list of Triratna centres and here's a list of centres currently offering online classes.
UK & Ireland
Ksantikara is the young person's coordinator for Europe - you can email him if you have any questions about young people's activities there.
Birmingham Buddhist Centre
Meets 2nd Friday of the month (Sub30)
Website | Facebook group
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st Friday monthly meeting (Sub35)
Website | Facebook group
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Website | Facebook group
Cardiff Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Glasgow Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st Sunday of the month (Sub35)
Website | Facebook group
London Buddhist Centre
Meets 3rd Friday of the month + other adhoc events (Sub25)
Website | Facebook group
Manchester Buddhist Centre
Meets 1st & 3rd Mondays each month (Sub35)
Website | Facebook group
North London Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Website | Facebook Group
Norwich Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Website | Facebook Group
Meets final Friday of the month (Sub35)
Regular YUBS events (aka. Young (Under 35) Buddhists Sheffield)
Website | Slack channel
Mainland Europe
Ksantikara is the young person's coordinator for Europe - you can email him if you have any questions about young people's activities there.
Amsterdam Buddhist Centre
Looks like young buddhist group is currently on pause.
Website | Facebook
Barcelona Buddhist Centre
Monthly classes for those aged 18-35.
Essen Buddhist Centre
Monthly classes for those aged 16-35.
Ghent Buddhist Centre
Regular events open to all aged 18-35
Website | Facebook group
Helsinki Buddhist Centre
Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays each month (Sub 35)
Paris Buddhist Centre
Awaiting further details...
Stockholm Buddhist Centre
Regular events open to all aged 16-30
Website | Facebook group
Valencia Buddhist Centre
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Sub35)
Australia & New Zealand
Varadhi is the young person's coordinator for Aus & NZ - you can email her if you have any questions about young people's activities there.
Sydney Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)
Website | Facebook
Melbourne Buddhist Centre
Meets every Saturday afternoon (Sub30)
Website | Facebook
Auckland Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)
Wellington Buddhist Centre
Meets every Wednesday evening (Sub35)
Website | Facebook
Head over to The National Network of Buddhist Youth website.
To update or add your details or for more information about starting a Young Buddhist group at your Triratna Buddhist Centre contact Ksantikara.