Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists
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NNBY Fundraising

From Jo Cross:

I am currently fundraising for the NNBY which is a youth organisation set up and run by young Indian Buddhists. The recent trip to India was in conjunction with this charity and myself and the others met a large number of the Buddhists in this network.
NNBY is vital to young Indian Buddhists as it gives them a chance to connect with other young people and grow as a Sangha all across India. Buddhism plays a pivotal role as part of their identity as this unites them above and beyond all caste identities they may have previously been discriminated by. They engage in transforming themselves and the world following the Buddha's path as taught by Dr B. R, Ambedkar.
The money I would like to raise is to go towards helping 400 of these young Indian Buddhists attend the 10th national convention being held at the Huen Tsang Retreat Centre, Bhordharan on 25-30th December with Subhuti leading the talks. The fees for one participant to attend is 800/- which equals just under £10...for a five day retreat! A fraction of the cost of what we would happily pay for a retreat in this country. But this amount will help those that wouldn't be able to afford even this.
If you would like to donate and help make this convention a great success then please go to