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Our eBook giveaway this week is inconceivable!

In this video, Vajragupta explains what he appreciates most about Sangharakshita’s approach to scriptural commentary in The Inconceivable Emancipation.

Welcome to Week 19 of our Free the Dharma eBook giveaway! This week, we’re offering The Inconceivable Emancipation, a commentary by Sangharakshita on the Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa, an important Mahāyāna sūtra. A print version of this book is included in Volume 16 of The Complete Works of SangharakshitaMahāyāna Myths and Stories

Mahāyāna Buddhism, to which the Zen and Tibetan traditions are related, emphasizes the ideal of the Bodhisattva, one who seeks to become Enlightened out of a compassionate desire to help all living beings. In the Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa we meet the Bodhisattva Vimalakīrti, a worker of wonders, a formidable debator and skilful teacher. Sangharakshita’s commentary illuminates this original text, its myths and symbols, and explores the powerful figure of Vimalakīrti and the significance of his teachings.

If you’ve not yet downloaded last week’s free eBook, A Concise History of Buddhism by Andrew Skilton, you’ve got until next Monday (July 27th) to do so. It’s an ideal introduction to the history of Buddhism and provides a fascinating insight into the historical progress of one of the world’s great religions.

Download both free Books here. Thank you for your donations when you check out, both small and large. They make a big difference, helping us to keep going while centres are closed. 

Finally, we thought we’d let you know that our current offer of free shipping on all orders ends on July 31st. So while you’re downloading your free eBook you may also want to take the opportunity to stock up on paperbacks. And on the subject of paperbacks, don’t forget that we’re offering a 25% discount on five great titles in our Stay At Home Sale this month. Find out more here.