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New podcast episode and winter sale

In this blog post we’re pleased to announce our latest podcast episode and our Winter Sale, in which we’re offering 40% off selected books for three days only.

New podcast episode with Satyadasa

In our latest podcast episode, Dhammamegha talks with Satyadasa about his wonderful memoir The Sound of One Hand, which is a tender account of one person’s ‘Dharma life’. What does it look like to live a contemporary Buddhist life, with a strong response to the Buddha’s teachings, as well as ambition, a partner, a sense of humour, one of the most interesting grandfathers imaginable, and a stump for a left hand?

Listen on the Windhorse Publications websiteApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or Spotify

Satyadasa self-published The Sound of One Hand earlier this year, and it’s almost sold out already. We’re delighted to announce that Windhorse Publications will be publishing the reprint, which will be available in the UK from mid-December. In April next year we’ll be releasing the paperback in North America and the audiobook worldwide.  

Big savings in our three-day Winter Sale

There’s a lot of suffering going on in the world at the moment, so it’s even more important to focus on compassion and generosity this coming festive period. We’ve curated a selection of meaningful books in our Winter Sale and we’re offering 40% off for three days only*.

With discounted prices starting at just £5.99, you don’t have to spend a lot to make a big difference in someone’s life. We hope these books support, comfort, and bring joy during the holiday season.

Browse the sale

*Sale ends at 23:59:59 GMT on Saturday 26th November 2022.

Strike action likely to affect deliveries

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) who collect and deliver parcels and letters for Royal Mail have called their members to take national strike action on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th and Wednesday 30th November. Our customers may experience some delays in deliveries because of this.