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Looking Back at 2015

Thanks to our excellent authors and readers, 2015 has been a very good year for Windhorse Publications. We were pleased to publish four thoughtful new books and to receive support from our readers in the form of sponsorships.

The Buddha on Wall Street was first off the block. Its author Vaddhaka Linn greatly helped us promote it with a near-year-long and near-global tour of Triratna Buddhist centres in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We are really proud of this ground-breaking work, and pleased that it continues to gather positive reviews, including those in Resurgence and Buddhadharma magazines.

Next came Subhuti’s Mind in Harmony, a beautifully written examination of the nature of mind, both mundane and transcendent. Vessantara summed it up in his endorsement, ‘Subhuti helps us to identify what’s going on in our minds, and see clearly what’s helpful and what will end in tears.’

Then, in the late summer, we released Maitreyabandhu’s The Journey and the Guide, and Analāyo’s Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation. Both authors are already well known, and both new works were eagerly anticipated. These titles have also been selling very well in print and eBook formats.

A number of our established books released in the last few years were picked up by new readers in 2015, in particular, Eight Step Recovery­ – which won two awards in the US in 2015 – and Not About Being Good, now in its second printing with a new cover.

We enter 2016 on an even stronger foundation, particularly as our sponsor-a-book campaigns are working so well. As a Buddhist publishing team, we here at Windhorse Publications decide that a new work is good – even great – and that it will really help individuals on the path to awakening. That’s why we want to publish it. It is very gratifying to then discover that many readers out there feel the same way, and step up to make a sponsorship. We are incredibly grateful for all the support we’ve received from all our sponsors to bring these important works to publication.

Lastly – but definitely not least – we are ending 2015 in gratitude to Hannah Atkinson, who has been with Windhorse Publications for four years. Hannah has really helped to develop our marketing, both in print and online in that time, as well as helped other aspects of the business. We thank her for all she has done to promote our books, and wish her well in her future career.