Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution
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We're Nearly There! #EthicalChristmas
Back in September we launched the 100 Days of Ethical Giving and it’s hard to believe that the campaign will end on 25th December.

As the first campaign Evolution has ever run it has been a huge learning curve. We have particularly enjoyed working in collaboration with thebuddhist team and would like to thank Candradasa for his inspiration and encouragement.

We have appreciated the input and support of many people, especially the Triratna Buddhist community, and have been encouraged to find that there are many, many people who want to shop ethically and care where their money goes.

One aim of 100 Days was also to raise the profile of Evolution as an ethical business at a time when the business was facing unsure times due to the pressure of competition on the High Street. We are still facing uncertainty, but the original ideal of making money to give away remains an inspiration for many.

We would like to send sincere thanks to everyone who has been involved, whether that has been through sharing details of the campaign or deciding to shop with us. We really appreciate your input and support.

Perhaps, in a way, the campaign is not ending…it has simply been the start of a something new. We hope you will continue to support Evolution and it’s underlying vision.

Sending peace, joy and love – Evolution x