Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution
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Evolution - Making Less Impact #EthicalChristmas
We are nearly in the last two weeks of the 100 Days of Ethical Giving Campaign. We’ve told you about how we trade, how we work, what we donate and what we sell. We’ve been asking you to make more impact with your Christmas spending by supporting ethical shopping choices and Evolution.

This week we want to let you know how Evolution makes less impact!

Here are some specific things we do to reduce our impact on the environment;

- We have systems in both the shops and the warehouse that mean we have a high level of reusing and recycling packaging.

- We have chosen a “green energy” supplier for our headquarters in Cambridge

- Many of the people working at headquarters live in communities; meaning the “economies of scale” help reduce things like energy use and food waste.

- Transport to and from work is usually via the daily “crew bus” or by cycling, reducing the level of car ownership across the business.

- We think carefully about materials we use, for example, working with Cambridge Woodworks to used recycled wood for our recent shop rebrands.

- We use sea, rather than air, transport for our overseas supplies.

We understand that running a business has an environmental impact, but we do try really hard to reduce it. So, for every product you buy from us there is an ongoing “back story” of Evolution striving to be as environmentally sensitive as we can be.

We hope you can support 100 days of Ethical Giving right through December – and enjoy making less impact, not more! #EthicalChristmas