This week we are able to offer the opportunity to come and spend time with the body of our Teacher.
Centre and Groups coming in groups together have been informed of the time slots available to them over this period. Aparajita and Nandavajra will be co-ordinating this. The Chair of your Centre should be in contact to let you know what has been arranged for your centre should you wish to come along as a group.
Individual visitors and those local to Adhisthana will be welcome to enter for a viewing in the following slots:
Tuesday 5th - Friday 9th at 8am, 11am, 2pm and 5pm each day.
These times will be slots open for those visitors who are not part of a Centre group.
You do not need to book but you could inform Aryajaya: if you are planning to visit so we can manage numbers.
To care for Bhante's body the room will be unheated (so wrap up warm) and offerings of candles and incense are not permitted. You are welcome to bring flowers but please don't place them on the body. Please know that circumstances may change so you may not be able to sit with his body at the time you've booked. Of course, we hope that will not happen.
Adhisthana cannot offer meals or accommodation unless you are coming from outside Europe so please make your own arrangements. For those needing accommodation please contact the Adhisthana office ( and they will advise. Although priority will be given to those coming from further afield, if you are coming from mainland Europe do also contact Adhisthana office as they may be able to help.
Vigil in Adhisthana main shrine room
There will also be a 24 hour vigil in the main shrine room beginning at 9pm on Monday evening and continuing until Friday night. There will be chanting and meditation beginning on the hour every hour. Everyone is welcome to join this.
It has been wonderful to read of the vigils and pujas being held at centres throughout the world. Please keep sharing on the remembrances page as it helps us all to stay connected during this special time for our community.
Any queries or need for further information please contact the Order Office (
with metta
Parami, Mahamati and Paramartha