Saturday 10th July 10, 2021, 3 hours
09.00 US PST | 12.00 US EST | 17.00 UK & IE | 18.00 Europe CET | 21.30 India
"Try to love everything that gets in your way .....
because if something is in your way it is
going your way, the way
of all beings; towards darkness, towards light."
From "Because even the Word Obstacle is an Obstacle", by Alison Luterman
This morning retreat is hosted by Vimalasara at the Vancouver Buddhist Center. Her friend and preceptor, Ratnavandana, will explore Equanimity as a meditation (one of the 4 Brahma Viharas - Love, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity) and a quality of being.
Ratnavandana has a long and deep involvement with the Dharma having been involved with Triratna since the mid-1970s. She has been involved in many facets of the life of Triratna including team based right livelihood, Mitra convening and community living and has rich inner world. She has spent time on long solitary retreats and currently lives in the Welsh hills.For many years the particular focus of her Dharma-life has been the Brahma-viharas which are the fundamental bases of positive emotion: metta, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
Here's a recent podcast with Ratnavandana talking about the Brahma Viharas.
Register for this online event hosted by the Vancouver Buddhist Centre