Help alleviate suffering in India and work in a friendly and vibrant Buddhist Team Based Right-Livelihood based in London.
Karuna was formed in 1980 as Triratna’s response to the suffering of the Dalit (ex-untouchable) community. We are socially engaged Buddhists and work with some of India’s most disadvantaged people, fundraising and sending over £1 million every year to India - enabling people to reach their full potential through our social and Dharma projects.
We currently have a full-time vacancy for a Programmes Manager based in our London office
The role involves working in a team overseeing and developing projects as well as offering support and assistance to our partners in India. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing a portfolio of projects and Indian partner relationships as well as managing grants and the administration of funds on behalf of Karuna.
We offer a generous and flexible support package including pension contributions. If you have the necessary skills and experience and would like to deepen your practice of the Dharma, please contact Chandrasurya in full confidence for an application pack and job description. Contact details are: email or call 020 7697 3009.
The closing date for applications is Friday 10 January 2014.