Navigating this Troubled, Beautiful World

Weekend for Young Women thinking for asking for ordination, or who have asked (residential)

Friday 27 - Sunday 29 January 2023

Only the Bodhisattva Ideal can carry us beyond ourselves and the world - and back again into them on a totally different basis

Here we are in this life, in this world, with all its troubles and moments of beauty coming into being.  What are we to do with our life, who are we to be?  These questions can feel at times a burden, at times an exhilarating challenge.  On this weekend we will explore how the Order fits in to the big questions: life and what to do with it.  It is an opportunity to meet other young women at a similar stage in life with similar commitment to the Dharma.  

Vajratara and Karunadhi and some of the young people’s facilitator’s kula will be leading the weekend. 

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