Life in the Lockdown: study weeks and Prostration Practice on zoom

You may be wondering what we are doing at Tiratanaloka during the lockdown. Given the current situation with Covid-19, we're unable to run our normal retreat program here. However, we have been exploring the idea of running online study weeks and have recently completed our first one, which went very well. We’re now pleased to be offering a series of 3 further study weeks running on alternate weeks and starting from the 20th April.  More may be added, we'll see how it goes!  The first is available to book online, and more will follow.  Check out our website.

We also know that the Going for Refuge and Prostration Practice is an important practice that we do together on retreat, so we would like to also offer you the opportunity to join with others doing this practice led by the Tiratanaloka community at 4pm starting on the 20th of April and continuing every week, Monday to Friday, until 22nd May. This is being offered to all mitras who have asked for Ordination. If you’d like to join some or all of these sessions you can register here.  Once your registration has been accepted, you can join as many sessions of the practice as you wish.