We try to keep things light when it comes to moderation of posts and comments within this shared space. And we ask the community itself to lead with this. If you have seen something that concerns you, please feel free to contact us. However, we do ask that you bear in mind the following guidelines, which will help preserve a harmonious atmosphere throughout the site:
- Remember there is always a person behind the post or comment you’re objecting to. They may just be having a bad day... If you’re upset, perhaps let a little time pass before responding to them or us.
- Try contacting the person first in a spirit of open, courteous engagement to see if hearing their perspective changes your own view of things, or if hearing yours changes theirs.
- Take care to make sure what you are asking us to look at is actually against the spirit of the group or the site itself, rather than simply a difference of view or of personal taste. If in doubt, ask a friend and/or the administrator of the group.
Please also be aware of the specific purpose of a group. If you’re unsure, ask the administrator of it before taking part, or familiarise yourself with the content posted by other users.
In terms of keeping an eye on group content, we prefer to leave this to the people who set them up and who take part. However, please note that in some cases (especially with public groups and those for formal Triratna projects) we may ask you to reconsider the names of Groups you set up or contributions you’ve made if they’re obviously off-topic and/or not in the spirit of the group itself.
We’ll always try to engage in a friendly way if a problem arises, but we reserve the right to remove posts and comments (or even suspend group/site membership) if we feel these guidelines are not observed.