Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution

Maitridevi on working in the Sangha

By Windhorse Evolution on Tue, 29 May, 2012 - 12:28

Maitridevi on working in the Sangha

By Windhorse Evolution on Tue, 29 May, 2012 - 12:28Maitridevi talks about why she first joined Windhorse:evolution, and how it’s been working in the Sangha.
Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Padmavajra - The Bodhisattva Ideal 3rd April 2012

By bodhinaga on Fri, 11 May, 2012 - 15:26

Padmavajra - The Bodhisattva Ideal 3rd April 2012

By bodhinaga on Fri, 11 May, 2012 - 15:26Here is our President, Padmavajra, on great form speaking at Sangha Night in Sheffield about the Bodhisattva Ideal. The talk is part of the Magic Tree series, in the section exploring the Teachers of the Past.
