Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Las Venezolanas (en Español)

By parami on Thu, 27 Apr, 2017 - 17:06

Una  conversación de Parami con un maravillosos grupo de mujeres Venezolanas Mitras de la Comunidad Budista Triratna, hablando de la importancia de la practica del Dharma en un país donde hay una enorme turbulencia política y económica.

Su respuesta es clara: en época de guerra lo que la gente necesita  es paz y compasión  y esto es precisamente lo que el dharma ofrece. Una evocación conmovedora y urgente desde una perspectiva vital.

Grabado en Mexico, Abril 2017

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices From Mexico - Upeksamati On How To Start A Buddhist Centre

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Apr, 2017 - 16:52

Continuing our series of in-depth conversations with Buddhists in Mexico, here is the irrepressible Upeksamati: Dharma pioneer in his homeland and founder of the Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

We hear of his own Buddhist training in England in the 1980s and ’90s and how that influenced his approach to bringing what he learned back home again. We get, in effect, a crash course in the essentials of starting a new Buddhist Center - at scale, and with ambition!

Always engaging, always in love with...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices From Mexico - Aurea, Pablo & Alejandra

By Candradasa on Fri, 10 Mar, 2017 - 18:33

First in a series of occasional episodes featuring Triratna voices from Mexico. Here we meet the wonderful Aurea and her family in Mexico City and hear their story of what it’s like to be a Buddhist (or have a Buddhist in your life) in a country where that’s still fairly unusual.  

An inspiring, warm conversation that shows the tremendous difference love and support from friends and family can make to anyone practising Buddhism. 


Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

A New Building for Cuernavaca Buddhist Centre

By Candradasa on Mon, 4 Jan, 2016 - 19:28

Ivan in conversation with Saddhajoti and Nagapriya about the new Buddhist Centre in Cuernavaca, Mexico. An interesting exploration of what makes a Buddhist - especially when it comes to “teaching” and being a “Teacher”.

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Goodbye From Mexico (Adios de México)

By Candradasa on Sun, 1 Nov, 2015 - 20:36

This is our final podcast from the 2015 Pan-American Convention here at Chintamani Retreat Centre in Mexico. We hear from Amala, Jnanadakini, Lokeshvara, Paramachitta, and Shantinayaka - 4 of whom are Order Conveners for the Triratna Buddhist Order - about how they they think it’s gone and the highlights they’ll be carrying back home.

Con traducción en Español.

Listen out for more Buddhist Voices, mantras, and inetrviews from the wider Triratna community in Mexico, coming soon in this space, and on Soundcloud...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Saddhajoti On Co-Creating Chintamani Retreat Centre in Mexico

By viriyalila on Fri, 30 Oct, 2015 - 00:25

Viriyalila in conversation with the wonderful Saddhajoti, whose vision of a Buddhist retreat centre rising out of barren sugar cane plantation land has been fully realized here at Chintamani, near Cuernavaca in Mexico. 

It’s a truly extraordinary achievement, and the great beauty and elegance of the place has been hugely enjoyed by all lucky enough to be attending the Triratna Buddhist Order’s 2015 Pan-American Convention. 

We hear how Chintamani - named after the mythical wish-fulfilling jewel which is a symbol for the Dharma offered...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Danadasa & Prasadachitta on San Francisco, Consciousness, and Friendship

By Candradasa on Wed, 28 Oct, 2015 - 22:53

We continue to celebrate the diversity of those attending the 2015 Triratna Buddhist Order Pan-American Convention in Mexico with two close friends from San Francisco. The theme of the Convention is friendship itself as a whole path of practice, and this is a pleasing ramble with two Californians taking in topics as diverse as the tech boom in San Francisco, the nature of interpretative understanding, and how beautiful it is to sit in a garden as part of a Buddhist...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Abhayagita From Mexico On Pilgrimage And Native Ground For The Dharma

By Candradasa on Tue, 27 Oct, 2015 - 05:30

As part of our Buddhist Voices series, Abhayagita - whose name means ‘Song of Fearlessness’ - tells us (in English y en español) about her project to take women on pilgrimage from Mexico to India in the footsteps of the Buddha. En route we hear about her home country’s engagement with the Dharma, and end up in a fascinating space around Aztec and Mayan culture as fertile native soil for the Dharma to take root…

Con la traducción española.

Abhayagita -...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Una Ceremonia del Dedicación en Español (With a Little Bit of English!)

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Oct, 2015 - 04:04

La Ceremonia del dedicación en español de la Convención Pan-American por la Orden budista Triratna.

The 2015 Pan-American Convention starts with a simple ceremony in Spanish to dedicate the event to the collective development of wisdom and compassion throughout the week. For the sake of all beings…

View all posts from the Pan-American Convention 2015

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Parami at the Cuernavaca Centre, Mexico

By Candradasa on Fri, 23 Jan, 2015 - 14:17
Parami on her travels, interviewing Saddhajoti and Nagapriya from the Cuernavaca Centre in Mexico. Includes a Spanish language version of this interview too!

Entrevista con miembros de la sangha en Cuernavaca, México…

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