Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Wisdom is Seeing with the Eye of Appreciation

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 28 May, 2020 - 14:00

Nirvana is described as great bliss, that arises when grasping at self and other has vanished. A stream of uninterrupted creative activity, the Buddha is the supreme example of this. Here Padmavajra offers a deep dive into the Dhammapada, verses 277-279, on impermanence, dukkha and insubstantiality.

From the talk entitled Seeing with Insight - Dhammapada Verses 277 to 279 which is part of the series The Dhammapada - the Buddha’s Way of Truth given at ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Making an Effort

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 18 Nov, 2019 - 14:00

Singhamati invites us to put on Dharma tinted glasses as she explores the very famous summary of the Buddha’s Teaching, found in verse 183 of the Dhammapada, and draws on Sangharakshita’s wisdom as found in the Dhammapada seminars from the 1980’s. It’s a simple, clear teaching offering us the possibility of taking it to heart, living from a more Dharmic perspective with less suffering and greater freedom!

From the talk Skillful Action: “Cease to Do Evil, Learn...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Shradda - A Curious Intuition

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 17:25

Drawing out concepts from the Dhammapada’s verses, Padmavajra explores the qualities of faith (or shraddha) in this FBA Dharmabyte entitled “Shraddha - A Curious Intuition”.

From the talk “Changing Hatred into Love - Dhammapada Verses 3 to 6” given in 2007, and part of a larger series “The Dhammapada - The Buddha’s Way of Truth”.

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Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Dh. Subhuti with Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjun Kalyana Mitra retreat Buddhagaya

By Suchandra on Tue, 24 Feb, 2015 - 14:30

Dh. Subhuti with Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjun Kalyana Mitra retreat Buddhagaya

By Suchandra on Tue, 24 Feb, 2015 - 14:30Before every talk Dhammachari Subhuti and Dh. Maitriveer Nagarjun reading out Verse 153 and 154 from Dhammapada, Jara Vagga.
Verse 153
Anekajatisamaram Sandhavissam anibbisam dukkha jati punapunam
Many a birth have I undergone in this (process of) faring on (in the round of conditioned existence), seeking the builder of the house and not finding him. Painful is (such) repeated birth:
Verse 154
Gahakaraka ! ditthos’ si, punageham na kahasi, Sabba te phasuka bhagga, gahakutam visankhitam, visankharagatam cittam, tanhanam khayamajjhaga
O house-builder,...
International Retreat 2014
International Retreat 2014

Day 3: Chanting from the Dhammapada Puja

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 May, 2014 - 01:46
In the second of our puja evenings Vidyatara led a Dhammapada Puja with a two part Shakyamuni mantra and the Indian Shakyamuni mantra. Here they are, along with the shrine salutation and the Refuges and Precepts.

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Verses From the Dhammapada (as you've never seen them before)

By Candradasa on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 16:52

Verses From the Dhammapada (as you've never seen them before)

By Candradasa on Wed, 26 Feb, 2014 - 16:52The first of two videos today, each taking a different experimental path to exploring the life and teachings of the Buddha and why they are relevant to us today.

Here is a computer animation by Stephen Heppel from Moving Vision, a new Right Livelihood business in the UK, illustrating the first two verses of the Dhammapada in translation by Sangharakshita. Stephen writes:

“Buddhism is an ancient tradition which is only...
Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Verse 6 Dhammapada

By bodhinaga on Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 - 12:44

Hatreds are never overcome by hatreds. They are only conquered by love. This is the eternal law.

The Buddha
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Yashosagar Chanting a Verse from the Dhammapada

By Candradasa on Tue, 19 Feb, 2013 - 17:35
Well, this is just about the sweetest bonus in any Dharma talk - when the speaker breaks into song and sings of the happy life…

Yashosagar Chanting a Verse from the Dhammapada (from his talk on working against ego-clinging).

Dharmagiri Retreatcenter
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter

Retreat on the Dhammapada in 2010

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 22 Oct, 2012 - 21:09

Retreat on the Dhammapada in 2010

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 22 Oct, 2012 - 21:09Reflection retreat
with Ratnaguna
Dharmagiri 15–18 April 2010

Under denna långhelg ledde Ratnaguna oss i reflektion och kontemplation på verser från Dhammapada. Han hade valt kapitel 1, 3 och 18: tvillingverserna, om sinnet och fläckar. Jag hoppas lägga upp en svensk översättning av Bhantes översättning av dem så småningom, men du finner också två översättningar till engelska på
Här är en direktlänk:

Ratnaguna gav ett inledande föredrag och sedan en...
Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Upeksharaja - 'Dharma Day Gem'

By bodhinaga on Thu, 26 Jul, 2012 - 11:58

Upeksharaja - 'Dharma Day Gem'

By bodhinaga on Thu, 26 Jul, 2012 - 11:58Upeksharaja gives a short talk at Dharma Day 2012 about the Buddha’s teaching from the dhammapada, that ‘only loving-kindness can conquer hatreds’.
