A further response to news of Bhante’s death; this time from from Ani Lhamo, secretary to Lama Yeshe at Samye Ling Tibetan Centre in Scotland.
It came before the funeral but it has taken some time to post all these Voices from the Buddhist world, amongst all the other funeral preparations.
“Dear Munisha,
Thanks for letting us know the sad news of Venerable Sangharakshita's passing. We send our heartfelt condolences.
And thank you very much for inviting Lama Yeshe to the funeral… I'm very sorry he won't be able to attend. However I know he will be remembering Ven Sangarakshita in his prayers and we will also dedicate daily prayers to him in the Samye Ling Temple.
As you know, our founder Akong Rinpoche passed away five years ago so we can understand what you are going through. We will be thinking of you all.
With every best wish,
Ani Lhamo”
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