Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space
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Memorial poem written the day Bhante died

In one way or another, Sangharakshita’s spiritual genius has been the sheet anchor throughout the storm of my own deviating spiritual aspirations and divagations. More often than not, in the middle of any particular struggle for understanding, his was the aesthetic and moral compass which I depended on for a true reading of the way out of the labyrinth; his star the brilliant Sirius on a dark night; his, the lodestone that attracted the light of clarity. My gratitude to him is unrepayable. In this I am a happy debtor - and hope to remain so in lives to come. On hearing yesterday’s announcement I wrote the attached, very simple poem by way of an initial expression of this indebtedness. Safe journey, Bhante. Om Shantih. Shantih. Shantih.