Shrewsbury Triratna Buddhist Centre
Shrewsbury Triratna Buddhist Centre
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Sangha Day at the Shrewsbury Buddhist Group

... Sangha Day on 8 November

One of the things that newcomers to Triratna notice about us is the friendliness and harmony of our community. This isn't a coincidence: it's one of the fruits of a culture of spiritual friendship that lies at the heart of what we do. The Buddha encouraged his disciples to meet in large numbers for the wellbeing of the spiritual community, and our founder, Bhante Sangharakshita, has always strongly emphasised this aspect of Dharma practice. After all, the Buddha also famously said to Ananda that "spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life".

It is in this spirit that I'm inviting you to come to Sangha Day on November 8. Sangha is an extraordinary and precious thing, so let's celebrate it. Katannuta's study group has put together a really varied and lively programme (see below) for us to enjoy.

In addition there is also going to be at least one Mitra ceremony - sadhu to John Freeman! Becoming a Mitra means making a public commitment to intensifying your Dharma practice in the context of Triratna. It may well be that some of you are also considering this step; if so, what better opportunity could there be than a day designed specifically to celebrate the spiritual community? If you are thinking seriously about it or would like to find out more, feel free to contact Akasharaja ( or on 01743 369425) to have a chat.

With metta in the Dharma,



10am: Doors open

10.30am: 15 minute talk: “‘Avaloka’, what/who inspires” (Trish)

10.45: Meditation – Metta Bhavana

11.30am: Tea

12.00am: 15 minute talk “The Arya Sangha” (Sandra)

12.15am: 15 minute talk: “The Individual/the Group – what the Sangha is to me” (Annette)

12.30am: Groups

1.00pm: Lunch (& 10 minutes' light clear up)

2.00pm: Physical movement/Being a friend to ourselves

2.20pm: 20 minute talk: “Karuna/Sangha as practice” (Jackie)

2.40pm: Tea

3.00pm: Padmasambhava mantra & Sangha percussion: Connecting through sound/percussion (Listening to each other/harmony/working with discordance/fun etc).

Short Poem

Short Dharma text

3 Fold Puja and Mantra, with one (or more) Mitra ceremonies!

4.00pm: Finish

Clear up and leave by 4.30pm