People to People Nagpur is running Learning Clubs for children's educational development to help them to be able to cope up with other children. We are working through this project particularly for those who are underprivileged and far away from educational stream & no facilities. Also beneficiaries are from various caste, religion, cultural backgrounds and facing poverty. Through these projects the children are getting very good help in the difficult subjects whose parents can't afford either tuition classes or to & fro expenses for studies out of their remote area.
At present we are working at district Bhandara, Amravati (Maharashtra) and Hyderabad (AP). In Bhandara we are running Utkranti, Mahatma Jyotiba Fuley, Birasa Munda, Pavnarkhari Learning Club. At Amravati, Gadgebaba Learning club and at Hyderabad , Dhammaeguda area.
In those projects we celebrated International Womens Day. The student presented their thoughts and success of the successful women to get inspiration. On this ocassion various Learning Clubs celebrated in various activities. On this ocassion at Amravati, donor provided cooked food for the poor children.