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Voices from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Voices from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Amber, Karthick and Emma share their experiences of the 2019 Big One at Adhisthana.

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

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More photos from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 17:02

More photos from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 17:02

About 90 people attended the 2019 Big One. Here’s some more images from the weekend, which ended in glorious autumnal sunshine!

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

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Voices from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Voices from the Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Amber, Karthick and Emma share their experiences of the 2019 Big One at Adhisthana.

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

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Big One 2019: Preview of Ksantikara's Personal Talk

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:38

Big One 2019: Preview of Ksantikara's Personal Talk

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:38

Here’s a sneak preview of the lovely Ksantikara regaling us with some themes from his childhood during his short personal talk on ‘Blueprint for a New Society’.

The full Dharma talk will be available soon.

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

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Centre Team

Marking The First Anniversary Of The Death Of Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:14

Marking The First Anniversary Of The Death Of Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:14

Updated: listen to the anniversary talk by Jnanavaca here

To mark the first anniversary of Bhante’s death Jnanavaca will be giving a talk at Adhisthana entitled Seeing Bhante - A Personal Perspective in which he will reflect on the significance of Sangharakshita’s life.

We will be live streaming this talk on Wednesday 30th October 7.30pm GMT / UTC.

Watch the live stream of Jnanavaca’s talk on any of these different spaces:

saddhaloka's picture

Resignation of Dharmachari Jnanavira

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 14:53

Resignation of Dharmachari Jnanavira

From Order Connection on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 14:53

Dear Order members,

Jnanavira has written to me resigning from the Triratna Buddhist Order, and I have replied with a formal note of acceptance.  He was ordained in Tuscany in 1984 with Bhante as his Public and Private Preceptor. We wish him well in whatever life now brings.

In the Dharma,

Chair of College of Public Preceptors

Hello Saddhaloka,

I’m writing to inform you that I am resigning from the Triratna Order. Since my...

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Dharmabyte: Imagination as Key

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 13:00

Dhammadinna speaks about Sangharakshita and his emphasis on imagination as a key to the spiritual life.

From the talk entitled Bhante - Poetry, Myth and Imagination given on the Rainy Season Retreat at Manchester Buddhist Centre, February 2014.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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Free Buddhist Audio

Radical Dharma in Triratna - Looking Back and Ahead in Principle and Practice / Dharma radical en Triratna: mirando hacia atrás y hacia adelante en principio y práctica (con traducción al espanol)

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 - 04:21

From the 2019 Triratna Buddhist Order Pan-American Convention in Mexico, an excellent triad of short talks looking at what it means to be radical in the context of our history as a community - and what it might mean in future.

Upekshamati, founder of much of the Triratna community’s presence in Mexico, starts us off with a précis and his personal response to Sangharakshita’s talk from 1999 - ‘Looking Ahead A Little Way’

Aryajaya picks up the theme by giving her...

Candradasa's picture

Las Sietas Magníficas (en español) - Podcast de la Convención Panamericana

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 - 03:26

Ya transcurrieron un par de días desde que inició la Convención Panamericana. En el comedor se pueden oír conversaciones en inglés y en español, incluso hay quien sirve de traductor para aquel que lo necesita. En este espacio, donde flores y el canto de los pájaros enmarcan las actividades de la convención, tuvieron la oportunidad de reunirse una vez mas. 

Hace poco mas de dos años tomaba lugar su retiro de ordenación en este mismo sitio; alguien tuvo...

Sadayasihi's picture

Big One 2019: Preview of Keynote Talk 'Blueprint for New Society'

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 - 00:15

Big One 2019: Preview of Keynote Talk 'Blueprint for New Society'

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 - 00:15

Moksatara gave a wonderfully inspiring keynote talk on ‘Blueprint for a New Society’ - exploring why we have spiritual community, how we can build it and the effect of having it. She finished her talk with a reminder that we can all be hands or arms of Avalokiteshvara - and we can become friends to the world.

Full Dharma talk to follow soon!

See more posts from the Big One 2019

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