We are delighted to announce the names of the new dharmacharinis publicly ordained at Adhisthana on the 18th of June 2016.
Queridos hermanas y hermanos,
nos da un gran placer anunciar los nombres de las dharmacharinis que han recibido su ordenación publica en Adhisthana el día 18 de Junio de 2016.
Public Preceptor Parami:
Virginia Gonzalez becomes Hadayasiri, a Pali name meaning She who has Beauty in her Heart (La que tiene belleza en su corazón).
Westernised spelling Hadayasiri
Private preceptor Saddhakara
Barbara Lopez becomes Taramati, a Sanskrit name meaning She whose Mind is like Tara’s (La que su mente es como Tara) (long first and second ‘a’s).
Westernised spelling Taramati
Private preceptor Paramachitta
Guadalupe Martinez becomes Ratnadhi, a Sanskrit name meaning She whose Wisdom is like a Jewel (La que su sabidurīa es como una joya) (long last ‘i').
Westernised spelling Ratnadhi
Private preceptor Paramachitta
Public Preceptor Paramachitta:
Francesca Rincon becomes Dhivasini, a Sanskrit name meaning She who dwells in Wisdom (La que mora en la sabiduria) (long first and last ‘i’s, long ‘a’.)
Westernised spelling Dhivasini
Private preceptor Parami
Sandra Ruelas becomes Abhayadipa, a Pali name meaning She who has a Lamp of Fearlessness (La que tiene una lámpara de intrepidez) (long ‘i’ long last ‘a’).
Westernised spelling Abhayadipa
Private preceptor Parami
Elena Rodriguez becomes Dayavasini, a Pali name meaning She who dwells in Kindness (La que mora en la bondad) (long second and third ‘a’s and long last ‘i’).
Westernised spelling Dayavasini
Private preceptor Parami
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!