Ordinations at Akashavana

We are delighted to announce that the following women were publicly ordained at Akashavana, Spain, on Friday 16th September:

Public preceptor: Padmasuri

Claire Brown becomes Amrtavani (the third 'a' is long as is the final 'i').
Sanskrit name meaning: 'She who plays the music of the deathless', or 'She whose song is limitless'
Westernised spelling: Amritavani
Private preceptor: Dhatvisvari

Anneke Dekker becomes Maitridaya (second 'i' is long as are second and third 'a').
Sanskrit name meaning: 'Giver of maitri'
Westernised spelling: Maitridaya
Private preceptor: Sobhanandi

Mieke de Laure becomes Kalyanagita (second and last 'a' are long)
Sanskrit name meaning: 'She who sings of virtuous action'
Westernised spelling: Kalyanagita
Private preceptor: Santavajri

Katelijn Seay becomes Dipankari (first 'i' is long)
Sanskrit name meaning: 'Bearer of Light'
Westernised spelling: Dipankari
Private preceptor: Akasasuri

Public preceptor: Paramachitta

Geraldine Griffin becomes Candracitta (last 'a' is long)
Sanskrit name meaning: 'She whose heart is radiant like the moon'
Westernised spelling: Chandrachitta
Private preceptor: Shubha

Perianne Aquiler becomes Kamalasura (long 'u' and long last a')
Sanskrit name meaning: 'Heroine of the red lotus'
Westernised spelling: Kamalashura
Private preceptor: Dayapakshini

Sophia March becomes Subhavandana (long last 'a')
Sanskrit name meaning: 'She who praises and reveres the beautiful'
Westernised spelling: Shubhavandana
Private preceptor: Dayapakshini

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!