Who IS the Triratna Buddhist Order?
Triratna has seen a number of new publications over the past months, several being handsome ‘print-on-demand’ hardbacks produced by Lokabandhu of the Triratna Development Team. These have included the popular Puja Readings book, two volumes of Sangharakshita’s Collected Lectures, and four books covering the four years of the Dharma Training Course for Mitras.

Most recent is his 'Introducing the Triratna Buddhist Order', a substantial 650-page compilation of personal introductions to the newest men and women to join the Triratna Buddhist Order, reprinted by consent from Shabda, the Order’s monthly magazine. Lokabandhu writes -

“This book introduces nearly 500 of the newest members of the Triratna Buddhist Order - those ordained between the start of 2006 up to early 2012. It adds up to a remarkable portrait of a living spiritual community: the details of many individuals’ lives, their diversity, their successes and struggles; all combining to give at least a glimpse of the Order as a whole.

Each entry consists of two parts: the Private Preceptors’ introduction of the new Order Member at the time of the ordination, usually consisting of a short rejoicing in their merits and an explanation of the meaning of the new name; and, if it exists, the new Order Member’s first reporting-in to Shabda, which usually (not always) includes some account of their journey into the Order.

Both show people at their happiest and most inspired, though there are also many stories of tough times and obstacles overcome. Many people have been on a long spiritual journey before joining the Order, and there are some very moving stories told here”.

He concludes - “Ordinations are made possible by the dedicated work of Triratna’s ‘College of Public Preceptors’, a body of the most senior men and women in the Order who between them supervise Triratna’s various ordination training programs around the world, and carry out all Public Ordinations into the Order. Anyone who enjoys this book, and benefits from it, is warmly invited to contribute to the great work of the members of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors by making a donation towards their support and expenses at www.justgiving.com/preceptorssupport2012.

The books are all available from thebuddhistcentre's page on LULU.com; and lulu are offering 20% off all purchases if you order before November 16th midnight and quote code SERENTIS at checkout.