European Buddhist Union calls for compassion for refugees

Last weekend I represented Triratna at the 40th Annual General Meeting of the European Buddhist Union. at the Rigpa Centre in Berlin.

At the particular request of Hungarian and Austrian Buddhists, a subgroup including me drafted a statement to be published in the name of the EBU: ‘A compassionate response to the European refugee crisis’.

"[We] call upon the governments and peoples of all European countries to show compassion and generosity to those displaced through war and seeking a refuge in Europe, safe from violence. 

"As Buddhists of many traditions and countries in Europe, we hold loving kindness, compassion, generosity and fearlessness to be among the highest values in life; values we share with those of other religions and none.

Seeing our fundamental interconnectedness with all beings, we recognise the “refugees”, “migrants” and “asylum-seekers” now streaming into Europe as people like ourselves, desperately seeking relief from suffering and longing for happiness.

Regardless of their ethnicity or religion, may they find open borders and a refuge in Europe.

May all beings find happiness and the causes of happiness.
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering."

The final version of the statement, to be sent to heads of state and European institutions, will bear the names of over 30 signatories from many Buddhist traditions across Europe. I have signed it personally as a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order.

View the full statement.
Listen to my short interview with two Buddhists from Austria and Croatia.
Visit the EBU website.
Follow the EBU on Facebook.

Find out about Croatian campaigns against xenophobia.