Dharmacharini Mokshapushpa
With sadness we announce the death of Dharmacharini Mokshapushpa, who died in the evening of Monday 27th October, in a hospice. Her last hours were spent with her brother, a good friend and Suchitta, her private preceptor.

Mokshapushpa, who was 63 and lived in Hereford, UK, had been suffering with an aggressive form of cancer for several months and had been facing her death with courage and grace. She was ordained on the first day of the European Women’s Order Convention at Adhisthana in late August this year, following a small private ordination retreat at Taraloka. Her name means 'She who is a Flower of Liberation'.

Suchitta writes: "Mokshapushpa didn't want a funeral. She wanted her public ordination to be the celebration of her life - and it was."