His partner Acharashraddha was with him, as were Kamalavajri, his daughter Rowena, his brothers Lee and Guy, Guy’s wife and Acharashraddha’s mother. Kavyasiddhi and Mahashraddha were there until an hour before he died.
Pramodana was diagnosed with cancer last April. He was admitted to hospital on Saturday in severe pain which was brought under control so that his last hours were peaceful.
Amoghavajra writes, on the blog site set up in October for rejoicings in Pramodana:
"These are the qualities I associate with you – a fierce yet kind engagement, with depth.
I met you first on mitra convenors' meetings, probably in the late 1980’s. I looked forward to our meetings. You brought a grounded, and passionately committed presence to the meeting. Even trawling round the local charity shops was great fun! I was well impressed that you had started a centre in the ‘renowned’ town of Oswaldtwhistle – what a fantastic name for a place. Your desire to practise attracted some good people around you and although a small place, quite a few Order members came from your activities there. Quality!!!
Now in your dying you are showing the same fiercely brave, and open qualities that you have lived your life by. It’s a real honour to witness these days in your life via Facebook..."
Pramodana was ordained by Bhante in January 1985 and was given the Amoghasiddhi sadhana. He lived in Blackburn, UK, and was 63 years old at the time of his death.
Visit pramodana.net to read his friends' rejoicings, and to add to them.