Celebrating International Women's Day with Windhorse Publications

Vajradevi’s first book Uncontrived Mindfulness: ending suffering through attention, curiosity and wisdom will be published by Windhorse Publications at the end of March. In this short clip for Women’s Day, Dhammamegha interviews Vajradevi about writing, about friendship as a context for learning and teaching, and about being a woman practitioner.

By far the majority of authors published by Windhorse Publications in the past have been men. This year we have Vajradevi’s book, as well as also a new book titled I Hear Her Words: An Introduction to Women in Buddhism by Alice Collett. Including some of the most wonderful quotes and stories by and about women teachers and practitioners, it will come out in May 2021. 

Vajradevi’s new book takes the reader through a journey that enables increasing awareness accompanied by the development of right view. Marrying Satipatthana approaches with insight practice, Vajradevi explains and demonstrates how to cultivate an easeful and insightful mind. The book comes with exercises, personal reflections, and eight audio led meditations.

Her book will be available from the Windhorse Publications website from 31st March, and from your local centre or high street bookshop shortly after. You can sponsor her book here, or pre-order or buy it here

A few of us have already had the pleasure of reading it. Here are some snippets of what they had to say: 

A wonderful book, written with that independence of mind characteristic of deep practitioners.  ~ Kamalashila

Vajradevi is a practitioner who shares her own experience of practising mindfulness simply and clearly. She makes traditional concepts accessible because she knows them from the inside, and Uncontrived Mindfulness is full of stories of how Vajradevi has learned to be mindful of her own life. ~ Vishvapani

Vajradevi’s approach to satipatthana – mindfulness and meditation – is both refreshing and distinct. There are already many excellent books going into the details of the Satipatthana Sutta and the technicalities of the original Pali terminology. Vajradevi takes us straight into the experiential core to which these teachings are pointing. This is mindfulness as the direct way to awakening from the delusions which produce our suffering. The simple, lucid style, personal stories and practical exercises make this into an extraordinarily hands-on and helpful book, for new and experienced meditators alike. ~ Tejananda

If you like this follow us on the Triratna Women's blog and on social media all week where we will be sharing personal reflections from women Order members across Triratna about their Dharma lives this past year.

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