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Exploring the theme of 'The Bodhisattva's Reply', and emphasising aspects of Triratna's own distinctive reply to the needs of the suffering world, we have three fine speakers: Vajragupta, Vaddhaka and Mokshini.
Vajragupta will be exploring the Dharmic foundation for altruism, as illuminated and supported by the five aspects of practice which Bhante has given us - Integration, Skilful Intention, Receptivity, Spiritual Death and Spiritual Rebirth - and how those clarify and support our actions to be much more than just 'doing good'.
Vaddhaka will be tackling the clash between the values, views and assumptions that the modern world runs on and takes for granted, and those the Buddha recommended as more effective and more true.
Mokshini brings that home by looking at actions and consequences: grounding our own everyday choices and opportunities in the precepts, in the responsibilities and the gifts we have inherited along with our human lives, and the perspective that expands that out beyond ourselves, both now and far into the future.
Alongside meditation, puja, chanting, good food from Buddhafield, and the ever-popular storytelling, led this time by Jayaraja, there will be a host of workshops for people to enjoy, learn, and benefit from, including
- study with Dhammarati
- a meditation workshop with Vajradaka and Maitrivajri
- Compassionate Communication with Vajrasara,
- Exploring Mindfulness in Schools with Srivati
- Breathworks with Vidyamala
- singing with Mahasuka and
- ethical activism (especially with June's Buddhist Action Month in mind) with Mokshini, Amalaketu and others
- and lots more.
Adhisthana itself is looking beautiful, peaceful and full of birdsong, nestling among the Malvern hills. Things seem to be drying after the wildly wet British winter, and it's all looking good for the campers. (But hey, if the Glastonbury Festival can go ahead with a million tons of mud, no doubt we can find the virya to do the same!)
Online or postal bookings are still possible at, or through the leaflets at your centre. Come, bring yourself, and make it even more of a huge, representative, varied, joyous and inspiring gathering than it already promises to be.