Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
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FutureDharma Fund: Supporter Care Manager with complementary role/s

FutureDharma Fund - pass it on

Would you like to help many more people around the world to transform their minds and lives?

Supporter Care Manager with complementary role/s (Systems Manager, Bookkeeper or Secretary)

We need robust and efficient systems to keep track of supporters’ gifts, and ongoing communication with supporters to thank and engage them further.

The core element of this role is Supporter Care Manager, ideally in combination with two smaller additional roles described below depending on your aptitude, interest and experience:

  • Supporter care: communication with our supporters about their gifts and managing their records on our database.
  • Systems Manager: integrating our data-systems to reduce manual entry tasks, developing  our supporter database, and providing general IT support to the fundraising team
  • Bookkeeping duties: tracking donations and expenditure, making payments and grants, and producing annual accounts.
  • Secretarial: arranging and documenting team and trustees meetings, and other general duties.

Please specify which combination of roles you are applying for in your application.

Your work will be vital in helping FutureDharma projects to flourish. Please see the attached detailed job description and skills and characteristics required. In your application please state the responsibilities in which you are inspired, able, or interested. We will train you in areas of work where you have a willingness but no previous experience, provided you have core skills in other areas.

Team Context

You’ll work most closely with the Fundraising Team at Adhisthana: Amalavajra as Fundraising Director, and Jai as Fundraiser. You will also work with, and assist Viryanaga as Programme Manager, and Nandavajra as Director.

You will be a member of the Triratna Order or a mitra who has asked for ordination. Ideally you’d work at Adhisthana with Amalavajra and Jai, however this is not strictly required for the role and applicants living elsewhere will be considered. (Joining the Adhisthana community depend upon their invitation).

This is a full-time post. We offer a generous needs-based support package including an 8 week retreat allowance.  


  • Closing date for applications 21st May 2018
  • Interviews week commencing 4th June 2018
  • Begin work July 2018 or soon after
  • There will be a trial period of six months.

Please contact Nandavajra for more information or send your application to:

If you are applying from outside the EU and require a visa to work in the UK, please contact Nandavajra before submitting an application.