Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space
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The Funeral and Burial of Urgyen Sangharakshita - Complete Live Stream

Thanks to everyone - the many thousands - who tuned into our live stream on the day of Urgyen Sangharakshita's funeral and burial. And to those who have been watching and re-watching since. It's been moving to read the continuing flood of messages and appreciation from around the world. 

On the day we were faced with a number of unexpected (and some expected!) technical difficulties, and the live stream was effectively broken up across different channels, posts and platforms. Here then is a "supercut" of the different parts, reassembling the best versions available from the live stream into a complete record of the broadcast and the day itself.

Our friends at Clear Vision Trust have will soon be producing a high definition, edited film of the day – and you can already watch their selected highlights. Audio extracts from the day will also be available from Free Buddhist Audio, and we'll gather together in this space more extensive image collections over the next week or so.

It takes a lot of work to produce and distribute coverage of such large and significant events in the life of our community. We'd love you to support our media work so we can continue to bring you the best of Triratna online and extend even further the range of possibilities. You help make international sangha connection possible. Thank you! 🙏🏻

Support Dharmachakra’s work on The Buddhist Centre Online and Free Buddhist Audio

Watch highlights from the day  |  Watch the new complete film of the funeral and burial services for Sangharakshita