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In the Service of the Dharma | Al servicio del Dharma
Nagapriya gives a greatly insightful talk on Dharma service and the arising of the Bodhichitta

Talk given in English with Spanish translation by Upekshamati. | Charla impartida en Inglés con traducción al Español por Upekshamati.

Nagapriya gives a greatly insightful talk on how a sense of Dharma service is critical to the collective project of manifesting the Bodhichitta ('the wish from Mahayana Buddhism for all beings to see and live according to the true nature of reality and free themselves from the suffering attendant on not doing so'). He emphasises that being an Order member intrinsically involves this kind of perspective, and addresses the challenges of maintaining momentum in Dharma practice through all life's hurdles.

In the talk, Nagapriya references Subhuti’s ‘A Supra-Personal Force’ paper, illuminating its ideas as crucial to a sense of Dharma service. He also brings in Sangharakshita’s talk ‘The Next Twenty Years’, drawing connections between it and the Triratna Buddhist Order's embodiment of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Drawing from the Lojong tradition, Nagapriya rounds off his talk by offering various mind-training slogans of his own, weaving in personal anecdotes to show how personal life experiences can inform a deep and abiding sense of commitment to the Dharma. A funny, moving talk, itself given very much in the spirit of an act of service.

Recorded at Abadía Benedictina de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, Ahuatepec, Mexico, October 2023.



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