Buddhists down the millennia have always found ways to bring there practise into daily life and there daily life into there practise. We will spend a day looking and experiencing two iconic ways which have been elevated to both a high art and express the deepest spiritual values of both Buddhist and Taoist traditions.
Both Bonsai (the art of ornamental and miniature trees) and the Tea ceremony have played a significant roll in Buddhist practise. The tea ceremony exemplifies Mindfulness, Bonsai expresses in sculptural form and symbolism the profound nature of the enlightened mind.
Both share simplicity, tranquility and harmony.
Join us for a day of immersion into both forms as well as meditation both (seated and moving), a workshop in which you will be offered the basics and an opportunity to create your own bonsai, an opportunity to experience a tea ceremony performed, a vegetarian lunch (please bring a dish to share or two to share) and a short ritual to conclude our day dedicating our efforts for the benefits of all (optional).
The day will be held in the beautiful Chan Hall overlooking the beautiful Japanese style garden at Herons Bonsai, Wiremill Lane, Newchapel, Nr Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6HJ.
The cost for this, possibly unique, experience is £49.
Spaces are limited and booking is available on-line at the Herons Bonsai website or by telephone on 01342832657
For more information on this event or Buddhism please see east.surreytriratna.org and for more information on the tea ceremony please visit www.livingtea.co.uk. For more information on the day retreat click here.