Croydon Buddhist Centre
Croydon Buddhist Centre
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Opening up the Space, Bringing in the Sky

We've come to the end of week 2 and things are moving fast. New skylight windows are appearing, bringing in the sky, a wall has vanished into space, leaving – more space. Every day brings more decisions – some large, some detailed

After much discussion with the builders, the structural engineer and the building control inspector we have had to modify our initial idea for the ceiling in the shrine room for many technical reasons, (in layman's term- your walls would need to be much stronger!) But we have come up with a compromise that we are happy with. Light will fall into the room, highlighting the shrine.

Our team of builders are appreciating Inge's cakes and we are appreciating how enjoyable they are to work with.

A brief mention of the amazing Carol is warranted here. She is a genius at this sort of thing. Completely on the ball, quick to respond to everything that's needed, with an astonishing grasp of detail and infectious enthusiasm... Thanks, Carol!



As with many building projects, we are finding that additional and unexpected costs start to mount up. In our case, we've had the costs of a scaffolding license, chartered surveyor fees, structural engineer fees and now with additional timber support required on much of our shrine roof structure. Therefore, we are looking to raise an extra £20,000 and we would like to reach out to both local and to the wider sangha for help.

You can support us either by using the 'Donate' button on our blog page to make a single donation or a recurring donation through Paypal. You can download and print off the standing order form there also, and forward it to us, or feel free to pop into the centre and leave a donation with one of the centre team.

Your generosity is appreciated

with metta
