Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action
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Cambridge is Connecting the world with love (for BAM)

Cambridge Buddhist Centre’s chosen Buddhist Action Month theme this year is Connecting the world with love. We will be reaching out with metta to people in the world less fortunate than ourselves, with a spirit of celebrating diversity and common humanity across cultures.

Our focus will be on the current refugee crisis - with vast numbers of people displaced from their homes through warfare, famine, poverty and climate change, we need to find ways to respond in a positive and inclusive way.

We aim to raise awareness about the refugee crisis and intolerance, and explore how we can respond from a place of love and positivity. We will focus on inclusivity, diversity and connection with others, especially as it pertains to the refugee crisis.

A key focus of BAM this year is Refugee Week (June 19th-25th), an international event to raise awareness of the refugee crisis. We will be running a sponsored Metta Bhavana meditation throughout the week, in which we will not only generate much needed metta for the world, but will also help to raise much needed funds for a couple of refugee charities, CamCRAG and Refugee Action (and for Cambridge Buddhist Centre for its support of the event).

Other events during the month include two special Sangha Nights, a clothing and food collection for refugees, an evening of Reflections on the Refugee Crisis, a street meditation, and Dancing with Awareness at an End of BAM Celebration.

We hope we can help the whole Cambridge Triratna Sangha to feel engaged in this month of action, reaching out with our Buddhist values of compassion and generosity to those suffering in the world. Find out what's on throughout the month of June and how to get involved, using our special website.

If you take part in any way with the Sponsored Metta Bhavana meditation week (18-24 June), the BAM team are offering daily email messages to inspire and support your practice: http://connectingtheworldwithlove.com

To keep up to date on activities and sponsorship check Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, or await the weekly bulletins from the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.