One day a devotee asked why it was that, while so many embarked on the spiritual life, so few seemed to make real progress. Ramdas's reply was unequivocal. They failed to make any real progress for two reasons, he said. Firstly, because they have no clear idea of the
goal they wished to reach. Secondly, because they have no clear idea of how to get there.
From the young Sangharakshita's account of his visit to Ramdas at Anandashram in South India during his time as a homeless wanderer.
The Buddhist tradition has always emphasised the importance of having a clear understanding of the path and goal. Bhante, in accord with the tradition, and taking Ramdas's advice very much to heart, has opened up the path in a way that is very clear and accessible, and made an effective, and still unfolding, spiritual life possible for many of us. However, it is all too easy to take for granted the innovative richness and the depth of what we have been given. If we want to ensure that the stream of spiritual energy that we are part of will continue as a living force in the world, we need to be going back to these teachings and exploring them deeply so that we can hand them on in a truly meaningful way to future generations.
A number of very experienced Order members, who studied personally with Bhante, have come together in the Adhisthana Teaching Community to bring focus to this task. As well as leading small seminars, teams drawn from the ATC are also leading retreats together.
Join Parami, Nagabodhi, Maitreyi, Ratnaprabha, Saddhaloka, Sona and Khemabandhu in March, or join Vidyamala, Dhivan, Dhammarati, Paramartha, Parami and Saddhaloka in June.
It is quite something to bring together such a wealth of experience in the Dharma life, and we are hoping that many Order members will want to join us, both in person and online. Join us, and share in the project of carrying the Dharma into the future for the benefit of our suffering world.