Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015
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BAM 2015 closes

Hi BAM-ers, congratulations on a great month! From the over 100 posts here on this BAM space on TBCO, it's clear Triratna has taken BAM to its heart, not just in the UK, the land of its origin, but in Ireland, Germany, France and America. Sadhu!

Have a look at the full closing report over on Triratna News. 

Thank you everyone, so much, for all your planning, enthusiasm and reporting. This is the great step forward we've made in 2015: not just doing stuff but telling others what you did, so we can all learn from each other.

And now, it's time to stop posting to this space, and join the year-round 'Compassion in Action' space!

Mokshini is the person to contact if you want any further information about the Compassion in Action page, or you have ideas to share. She would also like your feedback on BAM 2015.

With metta, Munisha
Triratna European Liaison and Communications Officer