Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Help us build the "Enlightened Forest" :: Ayudarnos construir el "Bosque iluminado"

By Sudaka on Mon, 21 Dec, 2020 - 06:11

Help us build the "Enlightened Forest" :: Ayudarnos construir el "Bosque iluminado"

By Sudaka on Mon, 21 Dec, 2020 - 06:11


Help us build the “Enlightened Forest”

We are living difficult times, all of us, without a doubt. From the long perspective this is nothing new. “Samsara”, the world we live in is characterized by a mixture of joy and suffering. What can we offer to this world?

What we can do is collaborate, help each other, manifest what we can call “Team Human”, that is, a collaboration between several people contributes much more than a single person alone can do. Suryavana...