Breaking the Chains
Breaking the chains - buddhist rituals to set you free

Week 7 - Transference of Merit and Self Surrender

By Bodhidasa on Sun, 23 Aug, 2015 - 06:38

Week 7 - Transference of Merit and Self Surrender

By Bodhidasa on Sun, 23 Aug, 2015 - 06:38

We come to the end of the course and the end of the devotional sequence - Transference of Merit and Self Surrender. Here, in this last stage of the puja, we uncover the secret behind the whole practice.

This short video (7 minutes) is a rough summary of the stages of the puja using a different metaphor - that of climbing a mountain. 

Remember - this week you have been requesting to bring a device with which you can access the internet. We will...