Tag: the burning monk

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The Burning Monk - Devamitra tells the story of Thich Quang Duc

By Zac on Wed, 9 Feb, 2022 - 16:34

The Burning Monk - Devamitra tells the story of Thich Quang Duc

By Zac on Wed, 9 Feb, 2022 - 16:34

In June 2013, Devamitra toured several Triratna centres, including the LBC, giving talks in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the immolation in Saigon of Thich Quang Duc – better known as ‘the burning monk’. On hearing this story, Alex Estrella felt strongly that it needed to be told on film.

As the first step of a much bigger project, Alex recently filmed Devamitra in the LBC shrine room reflecting...