New Chair and Deputies for the Triratna Preceptors’ College
The Preceptors’ College has a new Chair and three new Deputy Chairs.

The College’s main job is overseeing the Triratna ordination process, but it also sees its role within the Community as passing on the spirit of the Triratna Buddhist Order by preserving, sustaining, developing and communicating Bhante's particular presentation of the Dharma.

After an evening of celebration and rejoicing on March 14, Saddhaloka took over as Chair of the Preceptors’ College from Dhammarati following his decade of service to the Order and the Movement. Ratnadharini has taken over from Padmasuri, who had been Deputy for the past 10 years, Paramabandhu has taken over from Saddhaloka as another Deputy and Amrutdeep has been appointed as the Indian Deputy.

Twenty six members of the College from around the world met at Adhisthana from 9-19 March - the first of their two annual meetings. Over that time they have discussed a range of issues, studied and practiced together and spent time just deepening their friendships. You can get more of a sense of the meeting by listening to the daily interviews that have been posted on the College space on the Buddhist Centre Online.

Listen to Dhammarati's final interview as Chair